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St Patrick's The Meadow Primary School, Newry

Safer Internet Day, Rock Red Friday and Children’s Mental Health Week

7th Feb 2025

What a busy week Primary 6 have had.
We celebrated the Children’s mental health week theme, ‘Know Yourself, Grow Yourself’, by exploring the importance of self-awareness and expressing emotions. We talked about the importance of self care by creating a ‘Self Care’ poster, created acrostic poems and completed lots of mindfulness/ relaxation activities. Any step in the ability to express and regulate our emotions, is a good one đź’›

Safer Internet Day is marked on Tuesday 11th February, so we looked at the types of scams going about, and discussed how we can protect ourselves and others from being targeted. 

Finally, Friday marked our ‘red rock Friday’, where children and adults alike were encouraged to wear red to raise money and awareness of the Children’s Heartbeat Trust’ 

Well done Primary 6!