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St Patrick's The Meadow Primary School, Newry

Our Last Day in P1 in Mrs Scullion's Class

26th Jun 2024

Today was our last day in Primary One and we had an amazing party dancing and playing with our friends. Please read the little poem below to your child from all the adults in our classroom. We would like to thank you for your support throughout the year and we wish you all a very safe and happy summer together. 

Mrs Scullion, Mrs Bagnall, Miss Finnegan & Miss Short :-) 

You are a very special person and we wanted you to know,

How much we enjoyed being your teacher and how fast the year did grow.

Please come back to visit, as through the school you grow.

Try hard to learn all that you can as there is so much to know.

There is one thing we have tried to teach you, to last the whole year through,

And that is, to know that you are special and there is no-one else like you!